Teppei Higashi(RBTXCO)


RBTXCO=[rizalt bai tfa:ns]= 偶然の産物という意味をもつ。
ブランドのコンセプトは「モノヅクリ = モノガタリ」。

京都府出身。独学で服を作り始め、高校の時に「rizalt bai tfa:ns」の販売を開始。専門学校卒。帽子制作会社、テキスタイルデザイン会社でデザイナーを経験し、その後、2006 年独立。[Made in Japan] にこだわった洋服の制作をスタート。テキスタイルのデザインにもこだわりオリジナルテキスタイルを各シーズン毎に 国内の生地メーカーと共同開発 & 発表している。その他、アートピースとしてハギレで作る Rag*( オブジェ ) の制作。産地直送の生地の販売イベント [Textile Marche: テキスタイルマルシェ ] 共同主催
畑仕事を通じて「服育」を推進する [365cotton: さぶろくコットン ] も主催。

RBTXCO means a product of the chance.
The concept behind the brand is that MONODUKURI (the craft making) is equal to MONOGATARI (a story).
Each collection has a set story, the making of objects takes place in this world of stories.

She was born in Kyoto.After she has taught herself how to make clothes, while still a high school student she started to sell her designs under the「rizalt bai tfa:ns」brand.Vocational school graduation.
After the graduation she has made a stint in a hat factory and a textile design company. She finally started her own company in 2006.With『Made in Japan』as the main concept, she has started to create outfits.
Each season sees a new collection made in collaboration with local manufacturers. The style and design of the textile are the core of the collections.Other works include a Rag*, as an art object, made from leftovers.She co-sponsors an event called Textile Marche. All the products sold are drop shipped straight from the source.She is also the sponsor of the 365 Cotton event (Saburoku Cotton). Fukuiku, or education by clothing, is a concept multiform which englobes for example the promotion of good maners and appropriate behaviors for young people. There is also the idea of being grateful toward all the field workers and people manufactoring the clothes.She is also active as a fabric development adviser, graphic designer, costume designer, writer, collaboration with traditional crafters and many more fields.

This designer’s Wallpaper

  • RBT over botanical 日本の壁紙
  • RBT overbotanical 日本の壁紙
  • RBT overbotanical 日本の壁紙
  • RBT overbotanical 日本の壁紙
  • YAOYOROZU 1リピート
  • 施工02
  • uuaa_g_img-427x238ch
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