Design Name
Mightime thoughtful thoughts seem to strech forver as the mountain bird tail.
Design Concept
意味:思えば思うほど堪え難い、この山鳥の尾のように長い夜が この和歌は万葉集の作者不詳の歌で、恋人と離ればなれになって一人で眠る秋の夜長のせつなさを詠っています。
This represents the torture that those endless nights are. Almost as long as a mountain bird's tail.
This waka is a song from an unknow writer taken from a century old Japanese poetry anthology.
This is about the loneliness of separated lovers on an Autumn's night.
Since the first work was a white daytime world, this time I made it a blue-grey nightime world to add some contrast.
The motif is a feather of a mountain bird only found in Japan.
I thought about this design when I was looking to create a colorful accent wall to break with the floor.
Interior Image
Wallpaper Design
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